So, its the last period of the day on a four day weekend!!!! Whooo hoo!
i love this feeling.
i feel so much better than before.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Posted by Maggie at 10:11 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
MMMMM Caaaaaannnndddddyy (and Red, i love him)
Well, Halloween was fab-u-lous!! I was a cow. Moo! Mear Bear was a rider and Keenan was Darth Vader. We Trick-or-Treated in my neighborhood for like 2 or so hours. Then we sang happy birthday to mom.
Anyway, then i went to mear bear's house where i hit on red, and yellow and blue (his other colorful friends. . . GET IT? AHAHAHAHAHAH) Then i went to her Nini's house where we had the most adorable treats. hot dog fingers, bread stick bones (with goo and blood for dipping sauce of course) i spilled my punch on the table cloth. twice. in the same stinkin spot. :-) you know you love me.
So, i know that my last post was depressing and i never posted about the dance (which was fab btw) i am happy to note that i am: happy-crazy-high-on-candy-excited!!!!! TODAY IS HALLOWEEEEEEENNNNNN!!!!!!!
So heres the plan- tirck-or-treat with mary then possibly sleep over her house. I GET TO SEE RED!!!!
ok, enough caps.
ily (with one y!)
ps. i got a new bestfriend named ERIN.
pps. whooooohoooooo!!!!!!
Posted by Maggie at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I know this is my first post in a while but whatever. Its going to be a depressed one.
Why can't i be rich?
I cant afford to go on any trip whatsoever that would change my life and make me want to learn spanish all over again. i cant afford my borderline-cool-phone, and will soon be demoted back to a trackphone, i cant afford even afford to ask for things because i know that there is so much pressure on my parents to make me feel like i can afford stuff.
and im pissed about it
Posted by Maggie at 2:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Se we're here in computer and were hyper, crazy etc.
microsft excel is aiight but. . . quite boring. ah well
ill post when i get home!
Posted by Maggie at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Walk A Thong
So, today was the walk-a-thon. We:
- Made people honk their horns with creative chants ( honk if ur holy! beep if you believe!)
- Walked
- Played "guess the animal" w/ ms. coughlin until she got bored
- Walked
- Had a huge par-tay in the field where some 4th grader won the iPhone
- Walked
- and, um. . .walked
Posted by Maggie at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Oh. My. God.
Posted by Maggie at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
To the Mall!
Okay, so today Alana, Mear Bear and I are going to the mall! Yay!
Posted by Maggie at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Okay so i watched the new episode (if you would still call it new, seeing as it was on wed. and i wasn't allowed to watch it!) and sure, there were some good times like when sweets was talking to booth about how his son has "girl-troubles" and such but overall by the end of the epidose i was like totally crying. it was mostly about the whole issue of dogfighting. i really hate dogfighting. and if you know me (and you probably do seeing as about, um, one person reads this blog) you'll know that i never say hate. so i mean it. seeing the things they do to those dogs for sport and fun makes me sick. thats all i have to say.
Posted by Maggie at 6:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Today was aiight
Well, today was a half day! Which was great, because it gave me a reason to watch tv on the weekdays (rebellious!!) with permission from mom (okay so maybe its not that rebellious. . .)
Posted by Maggie at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Oh My God, Alana Richelle is living in a gentlemen's yacht club!!!!
*Sorry i didnt do this post yesterday but i was really pooped. (hee hee. . .pooped)*
Posted by Maggie at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Um. . .okay
So! i just got back from the library where i was talking to the guy who used to call me 'red' back in sixth grade. (remember him?) so he is just like taaaaalking and taaaaaalking and im smiling and answering his questions when this crazy old lady with a huge silver cross comes over. and shes all up in my face and such about how loud we're being. ("HOW AM I EXPECTED TO BE ABLE TO READ WITH ALL THIS LOUDNESS!?!?!?!") [and we wernt being loud at all]. . . so Mr. Red is all like "We're not being all that loud" and shes like "But its a LIBRARY!!!!!!!!!" and her friend (who also is weird looking and sports a fashionable cross) is like "ITS A LBRARY!!!!!"
Posted by Maggie at 2:34 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
RISD Lantern Lighting
So tonight i went to the RISD lantern lighting ceremony, which was just really a big party. there were like a hundred or so students in the auditorium and everyone (including me & my mom) had glow sticks that we were waving in the air. it was so much fun! the orchestra played and they were awesome. They played alot of cool music that was super fun to dance to (an wave glow sticks to).
Posted by Maggie at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
all time low is aiight
So, i was on alana's blog, and her little music thingy was playing all time low, (the band that she has been trying to make me think is not whiney) and i think that i liked it.
Posted by Maggie at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
110th Episode of Monk!
Okay so, i wathed the 100th episode of Monk this morning and it rocked!
Posted by Maggie at 5:22 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
why thank you.
so theres no point in even writing this because the only person who reads this blog is sitting right next to me. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!
SORRY. i am having a loopy-been-up-till-one-in-the-morning-spazz.
AND I WATCH THE SEASON PREMIERE OF BONES!!!! (like the tv show not the actual bones but you knew that)
angela and hodgins break up
and now im depressed. . . WHOOOOOOOO!!!!! oh. well i guess im happy now. but those depressing moods never last with me.
anyway. . . i miss zach and sweets rocks (and is growing on alana richelle whether she likes it or not!)
Posted by Maggie at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I Love Brooke Fraser!!
Posted by Maggie at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Whats Up with the Chain Mail???
So, i've been having a lovely summer ( thanks for asking) and was hoping from some friendly messages from my buds about what they're doing, asking what i'm doing, etc etc etc. but no!!
Posted by Maggie at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
God Bless America!!
So tomorrow is the fourth of july! whoo hoo!! yes, quite exciting so here is a picture blog of some american traditions:
eagles : caw man caw!!
apple pie: not really sure what makes this american,but apparently it really is!
baseball: go crackerjacks!!!!
statue of liberty: you go girl!!
So, there we have it folks, AMERICA ROCKS!!!!!!
Posted by Maggie at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I'm back baby!
Yes, this is the post confirming the unthinkable. i am revamping my blog.
Posted by Maggie at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
now, besides plain old lazieness, and lack of sleep from cabaret, the main reason that i havn't been posting recently is because im sick. bleh. i have a sore throuat, enough phlegm to, uh, build a house (that was random) and, oh yea, i cant talk.
Posted by Maggie at 5:15 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Oh, the drama!
Not surprisingly, today at cabaret there was alot of stuff other than singing, dancing, and talking-when-you're-not-supposed-to going on. Yes, drama. With a capital D.
Posted by Maggie at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
What an A-may-zing Day!
My day was lovely! I. . .
- named a fish Jesus
- did NOT throw away my plastic cups (saving the world here!)
- ate food
- gave a fierce (but not broadway!) oral presentation
- played volleyball
- explored the many doors of Bay View with hep from Alana
- finnaly opened the door to Mr LeClair's secret room.
- got chased down by a stalker while alana peed
- never ended up finding that darned light bulb!
Posted by Maggie at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Maggie and Stentor sitting in a tree . . .

Posted by Maggie at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Rad Concert
Guess who i'm going to see?
Posted by Maggie at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Fierce Necklace
Dont you love it?
Posted by Maggie at 6:18 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Father Daughter Dance
Last night i had a blast at the FDD (as alana calls it)!
- Alana Richelle
- Frenche
- Mear-bear
- The Twins
- and many people i cant think of right now
Posted by Maggie at 8:49 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
My Bad
- fierce
- fabulous
- flawless
Posted by Maggie at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Feeling Sad
Not in a great mood to post but just felt like i owed you one
Posted by Maggie at 5:48 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Viruses, Movies, and Music!
Okay, so i haven't posted in for-evah so this is my mush of randomness!
Posted by Maggie at 5:10 PM 5 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Happy 'Praise the Lord Wednesday'!!!!!!!!
Today was (contrary to popular belief) actually thursday. Thats right folks. Because we have Totally-amazingly-fantasticly-GREAT friday off Mary has informed me that today is really thursday. really.
- did "faces of the cross" in homeroom
- sr. perpetua informed us that "we're all gonna die anyway so what do you want to be remembered as?"
- made paper dolls with Macy (and made them freakin AWESOME outfits)
- did math stuff. blah.
- had a lovely lunch
- did history stuff.
- did spanish stuff
Posted by Maggie at 6:14 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
lately everybody's been throwing parties. sleepovers, get-togethers, birthdays, you name it. and that would be cool and stuff but. . . i'm usually left out. come to think about it i proably look like that girl in the religion book under the "what would you do if you saw this person" thing. ya know the girl wondering why she didnt get an invite
Posted by Maggie at 6:21 PM 5 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Bowling Trip
Ah, the bowling trip.
- hanging with alana, bob, macy, stef, hannah, liza, bean etc...
- sucking at bowling
- cheering on everyone who didnt suck at bowling
- most of the music was aiight
- have to swtich lanes so that me new partners were amy, megan, and amanda
- my new bowling buddies never felt like actually bowling
- no current music
- stinky designed-by-coach (not a knock-off!!!) bus
- sister perpetua telling me that i need to gain weight.
Posted by Maggie at 1:45 PM 3 comments
Bowling feildtrip is almost underway!
whoooooo hooooo!
too much enthusiasm?
well maybe ill pos tpics later.
maybe i wont
*sigh* so rebellious!
Posted by Maggie at 5:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Mall hopping/ Penelope with da girlz
Went to the mall yesterday with Mary and Alana Richelle and had lots of fun. I mean hanging out with a homeless person is really great. You should try it ;-) After arguing over which friendship necklace to get we kinda just walked around the mall... Then we went to see Penelope. The plot was cute... pig nose...get married...yada yada yada but guess what??? RESE WITHERSPOON WAS IN IT!!! So in other words, it rocked!
Posted by Maggie at 8:14 AM 3 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Posting during study...
cant wait for the weekend!
when i get home ill post some pics of the week...
Posted by Maggie at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Awards Night!
Alright, now i know that Alana is proably really mad at me for not doing this sooner but if you know me, you know im a procrastonator. So here it goes:

Posted by Maggie at 4:32 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Mourning the weekend....
Is it over already?
Posted by Maggie at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
I Love gay cousin
Posted by Maggie at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hi I'm Jewish!
Stuff of The Day!!!
Posted by Maggie at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Well the title says it all. I have been gone for a long time over this loverly February Va-Ca. Now i am posting to satisfy those of you who have been commenting relentlessly on previous posts *cough*ALANA*cough*
Posted by Maggie at 12:26 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Froggy Drama
Posted by Maggie at 2:29 PM 5 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Cyber Cafe
This post has gotta be quick because soon ill be off to my call-back for a comercial. Right now though, im in MY FIRST CYBER CAFE!!!! Now this may not be important to you is your face (sorry laura) Anyway, you'll never guess where the cyber cafe is.....dunkin doughnuts. Yes, im serious, and i just bought 5 mins for a buck. Oy vey!
Happy Valentines day everyone! I sure hope that you have somebody to share it with (unlinke me...) and i hope that you dont have a pie thrown at you. Well that was extremely random. Crap, i've got like a minute left and i dont really feel like putting another in.
will post later.... so please COMMENT!
Posted by Maggie at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Day at the Bay *HEY THAT RHYMES!!!!!*
- Homeroom: Wrote random stuff on the board (lyrics to Birds *Kate Nashe...great song*, my top fave websites, and 'maggie smells like flowers')
- History: I finally convinced Stef to present her History Day backboard. It was about Al Gore, and global warming and stuff like that and for the record it was quite lovely but Mrs. V got all up in her face about how "There's no compromise!!!" and "You have false information!!!" and "I really feel like crushing you self esteem today!!!" Okay i made that last one up but still... Stef received many hugs needless to say.
- Spanish: Did worksheets and listened to Snra. make a large speech to Stef about how its ok to feel overwhelmed that you haven't been at the Bay for 7 years (because apparently if you have been... you're PERFECT)
- Lunch: Bought Stef some cake... because you know what i always say "If duct tape can't fix it, chocolate can!!!!"
- Religion: Blah.... the usual *did homework in class, argued with Sr. P, got yelled at for talking, etc etc etc*
- Math: Got a 53 on a test. Mrs. Tompson was not very nice to me *hurumph*
Posted by Maggie at 1:54 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
First post/ Dance recap
Well, this is my new blog...i hope it lasts longer than my others ;-)
Posted by Maggie at 5:53 PM 6 comments