Alright, now i know that Alana is proably really mad at me for not doing this sooner but if you know me, you know im a procrastonator. So here it goes:
I have been nominated by Alana of It's Absolutly Shiztastic! for Thinking Blogger Award!
Apparently its Quite fierce ;-)

1. What is the story behind the name of your blog and its nickname?
It all started in sixth grade, when i came to the Bay and i created the most wonderful saying ever! FO SHIZZLE!!! Now, this was all in my efforts to successfully convince everyone that i AM quite ganstah at heart and i can DEFIANTLY pull off saying things like "wazzzzup homies in the hiz-house?".( These efforts are currently now working. )Anyhoodle, when i decided to create a blog i knew i must somehow incorporate the most wonderful saying in the world. and i did. :-D
2. Why did you start blogging in the first place?
I really liked reading Alana's blog and i thought it would be cool to make one myself. I didn't realize how hard it would be. Alana has a way of making everything sound funny on hers. Well, im still in training i suppose ;-)
3. What has been you worst blogging experience?
I would say that my best blogging experience is being heard, even if its only my best friend or the occasional creepy stalker reading. I think blogging is awesome because its all you. Even if you rewrite the post fifteen times its still your feelings that are coming across. My worst would be having the words come out right. Also finding time to post. I wish i could more often.
4. What would you think/want to happen to your blog in 2008?
I want the obvious. . . a cactus! What? Did you think that i was going to say something like more viewers or internet stardom? Pffh! ;-) Really, though i would like to get some more internet traffic around her. Maybe enough to set up AdSense and get rich? Maybe!
Now, this is a toughie. The only people's blog i read were already awarded so i did a little research and found the most random, weird blog ever. . .
Congrats. . .FAKE PLASTIC FISH!!!!!!!
Hope you're reading this plastic fish person cuz you won!
1.YOU DIRTY ROTTEN LIAR! You are the whitest-white girl EVER, and you can't get away with doing stuff like that.
2.Yes well, we can't all be perfect!! ♥
3.Just one question:am I clarified as 'friend'or 'creepy-lets-call-rejection-hotline-right-NOW-stalker'?
4.You and your money making scams...
im so glad you commented!
and you're def the creepy stalker
OOO what was the deleted one??
my stalkerish self has to know!!
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