Friday, February 29, 2008


I Love gay cousin

but even more than him i <3>


Monday, February 25, 2008

Hi I'm Jewish!

Stuff of The Day!!!

-Hi, I'm Jewish!
Hello, I'm Catholic
-No, Jewish from PROJECT RUNWAY!!!
OMIGAWD I love your designs!

She said: Darling, be a dear,
I haven't slept in a year. 
I need  you help to make my neighbor's
yappy dog disappear!

~Today 4 U

Club hopping- v. To hop around the clubs like the young folk do.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well the title says it all. I have been gone for a long time over this loverly February Va-Ca. Now i am posting to satisfy those of you who have been commenting relentlessly on previous posts *cough*ALANA*cough*

How was MY vacation you ask?

Awesome. Alton Jones is real fun...Now, you might not think that spending the entire vacation tromping around woods playing educational wildlife games and sleeping in a cabin full of high-strung girls is you idea of fun. Well its mine. I met some awesome people and if they were nice enough to actually look at my blog then here's a shout out: Amanda, Libby, Sophia, Katie, Shyanne, and the various boys i decided to make-out with in my spare time.... you guys rock! 

I hope all of you had an awesome vacation... but not too much fun without me!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Froggy Drama

Vacation time ladies!!!
The day was aiiiight, nothing to blog about. 
The afternoon on the other hand was different. I was really excited because i really wanted to get off the school grounds (no offense sister p....) and get into vacation mode...but of course that couldn't happen without a few tears right? I rushed out and was about to get on the bus when i realized that y prized tree froggy (cokita) was coming home with me. I ran like a mad woman ( or a chicken with its head cut off... which ever you please) and by the time i got back the bus was about to leave. I was freaking because a frog is a delicate animal... not the kind kathy (my bus driver) is used to driving around. In other words the huge bumps that happen every 5 mins would not fly (get it? AHAHAHAHAHA) well with my little amphibian friend. In fact she'd probably die of a heart attack (i mentioned this like 5 times but kathy couldn't get it through her head) So i was crying, gasping, flipping out. Alana was the perfect daughter. She was so sweet in helping me calm down. By the time i decided to stay w/ cokita the bus had left. 
Then my phone was my dad wondering where i was because HE had remebered that i needed a ride. 
what a quinky dink
what a freaking quinky dink....
but dont worry, shes fine (no heart attacks) and is sitting in my room right now. aybe ill take some pictures of her and put em up later...maybe not
for now here's a picture of what an American Green Tree Frog (her species) normally looks like:



Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cyber Cafe

This post has gotta be quick because soon ill be off to my call-back for a comercial. Right now though, im in MY FIRST CYBER CAFE!!!! Now this may not be important to you is your face (sorry laura) Anyway, you'll never guess where the cyber cafe is.....dunkin doughnuts. Yes, im serious, and i just bought 5 mins for a buck. Oy vey!

Happy Valentines day everyone! I sure hope that you have somebody to share it with (unlinke me...) and i hope that you dont have a pie thrown at you. Well that was extremely random. Crap, i've got like a minute left and i dont really feel like putting another in.

will post later.... so please COMMENT!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day at the Bay *HEY THAT RHYMES!!!!!*


Sorry i didnt post on sunday....or monday for that matter. But hey, i'm still getting used to the whole 'blog' thing ;-) *side note... is it just me, or do you think its weird that blogger doent provide any smilies WHATSOEVER? Personally, im outraged* In my defence, i got home at 11:00 (PM!!!!) from NYC yesterday and wasnt really in the mood for posting. On sunday the only thing i could think about posting about was that it was sabbath and that "sabbath" is now on my 'fun word list'
....yeah didnt think so. 

Today was interesting to say the least. We sure had some drama (teacher style) going on...

  • Homeroom: Wrote random stuff on the board (lyrics to Birds *Kate Nashe...great song*, my top fave websites, and 'maggie smells like flowers')
  • History: I finally convinced Stef to present her History Day backboard. It was about Al Gore, and global warming and stuff like that and for the record it was quite lovely but Mrs. V got all up in her face about how "There's no compromise!!!" and "You have false information!!!" and "I  really feel like crushing you self esteem today!!!" Okay i made that last one up but still... Stef received many hugs needless to say.
  • Spanish: Did worksheets and listened to Snra. make a large speech to Stef about how its ok to feel overwhelmed that you haven't been at the Bay for 7 years (because apparently if you have been... you're PERFECT)
  • Lunch: Bought Stef some cake... because you know what i always say "If duct tape can't fix it, chocolate can!!!!"
  • Religion: Blah.... the usual *did homework in class, argued with Sr. P, got yelled at for talking, etc etc etc*
  • Math: Got a 53 on a test. Mrs. Tompson was not very nice to me *hurumph*
Tomorrow you won't see me unfortunately, but hey, thats the life of a dedicated actor :-P

Saturday, February 9, 2008

First post/ Dance recap

Well, this is my new blog...i hope it lasts longer than my others ;-)

So, the dance was....just like every other dance i've been to. here were the Top 5 memories i wrote on my arm to remember:

1) I love the DJ! He looks a lot like *correct me if im wrong* Robin Williams. Anyway, i talk to him every single dance (cuz he is hired for EVERY dance) and of corse he remembers quite unforgettable! :-) But the point is that he plays the one song i request without objection. This time it was "Peace of Me" by my girl Brittany Spears. (ok that sounded weird) 

2) Talked to basicly every chaperone and they rock as well. Both Batchi (seriously, thats her name) and Vi were quite interesting people...yes, yes-i know-i need to get a life...

3) Got high on lip gloss and drunk on soda (round of drinks on me guys...*hiccups and falls on the ground*)

4) Trying to get certain people to dance...was not very successful

5) Watched other people do the "this-is-really-awkward-but-I-must-dance-with-a-boy-or-im-gonna-DIE" dance... next year im gonna be a dance matchmaker *get an instant dance partner for the low price of $10*

I'll try to keep posting...comment cuz u know i love it!