Friday, February 15, 2008

Froggy Drama

Vacation time ladies!!!
The day was aiiiight, nothing to blog about. 
The afternoon on the other hand was different. I was really excited because i really wanted to get off the school grounds (no offense sister p....) and get into vacation mode...but of course that couldn't happen without a few tears right? I rushed out and was about to get on the bus when i realized that y prized tree froggy (cokita) was coming home with me. I ran like a mad woman ( or a chicken with its head cut off... which ever you please) and by the time i got back the bus was about to leave. I was freaking because a frog is a delicate animal... not the kind kathy (my bus driver) is used to driving around. In other words the huge bumps that happen every 5 mins would not fly (get it? AHAHAHAHAHA) well with my little amphibian friend. In fact she'd probably die of a heart attack (i mentioned this like 5 times but kathy couldn't get it through her head) So i was crying, gasping, flipping out. Alana was the perfect daughter. She was so sweet in helping me calm down. By the time i decided to stay w/ cokita the bus had left. 
Then my phone was my dad wondering where i was because HE had remebered that i needed a ride. 
what a quinky dink
what a freaking quinky dink....
but dont worry, shes fine (no heart attacks) and is sitting in my room right now. aybe ill take some pictures of her and put em up later...maybe not
for now here's a picture of what an American Green Tree Frog (her species) normally looks like:




Belle ♥ said...

Aww well thank you mum!! I'm glad to hear Cokita hasn't had any heart attacks. And I'm also glad that their wasn't any PIES thrown at anyone.

Maggie said...

omg alana thank YOU

i was gonna die if nobody commented!

im goin to check yours yet...any pr updates?

Belle ♥ said...

you bet babe. It's amazing. And there is a picture of Maggie Mayyyy!!!

Belle ♥ said...

Update already!! I have nothing to read!!

Steph said...

maggie update ur killing me, hun!

love you!!!